
This page briefly describes the functions exported by the package.

The function names in this module are in lowercase letters and sometimes underscores are used for longer function names. Most functions require keyword arguments, i.e. tcia_bodyparts(collection = collection_name) will work but tcia_bodyparts(collection_name) will not.


Public functions

download_series(series_id::AbstractString, destination::AbstractString = "./", overwrite::Boolean = true)

Downloads images belonging to series with series_id and extracts them to destination folder. If the destination folder already exists, then it will be overwritten by default unless overwrite = false.

download_series(arr::Array, destination::AbstractString = "./"; append_desc::Boolean = true, overwrite::Boolean = true)

Downloads all images from the series in the array arr and then extracts them to destination folder. The arr can be obtained through the tcia_series(..., format = "json") command. By default, the series description will be appended to the path unless append_desc = false. If the destination folder already exists, then it will be overwritten by default unless overwrite = false.

download_series(df::DataFrame, destination::AbstractString = "./"; append_desc::Boolean = true, overwrite::Boolean = true)

Downloads all images from the series in the dataframe df and then extracts them to destination folder. The df can be obtained through the tcia_series() function. By default, the series description will be appended to the path unless append_desc = false. If the destination folder already exists, then it will be overwritten by default unless overwrite = false.

tcia_newstudies(; date, collection, patient, format = "csv")

Returns new studies for a given collection that were added after a given date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. The patient ID can be optionally given.

tcia_series(; collection, bodypart, manufacturer, modality, model, patient, series, study, format = "csv")

Returns series information for a given collection, bodypart,manufactuer,modality, manufacturermodel, patient, SeriesInstanceUID series, or StudyInstanceUID study.
